Tuesday, June 25, 2013

failed attempt: blueberry tart - what to do?

Instead of something red on Valentine's, I thought of going blue.  Tried making blueberry tart for the first time.  But after eating just half of one tart, we stopped.  The crust did not taste right, may be I did not bake it well.  And the blueberry topping made at home did not set well, may be because I was stingy in adding cornstarch.  So, the truth is, my dessert for valentine's dinner sucked.

But what do I do with the failed blueberry tart now?
Spusht | Blueberry Tart did not turn out right?  No problem, here's a solution.
Blueberry Tart did not turn out right?  No problem, here's a solution.
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